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Civilian Personals

To get a Civilian Personal also known as an Civ vehicle, there are a few basic steps.

ALL VEHICLES MUST BE LORE FRIENDLY. This means that they cannot have any IRL brands and must be materially different from IRL vehicles.

All vehicle yft's must total to under 300k poly's

Get Started:

Find a Vehicle:

You need to find a vehicle that you are interested in placing in your personal slot. There are endless possible places to get Civilian vehicles with the primary requirement that it is Lore Friendly. We have provide Links to a few Free and Paid resources for vehicles below.

Get a Slot:

Now, that you have selected your vehicle file and had it made. You need to purchase a CIV personal slot. 

  1. Head over to the Tebex Store and go to the Personal Slots section. The select Personal CIV Slot and Purchase it. After purchase it will display a tbx- ID and you should copy that for the next step. 
  2. To do this head over to VistaGarage and go to Purchase Vehicle. Select Civilian Vehicle Slot and then provide a tbx- ID from your slot purchase on the Tebex Store. 
  3. Your purchase will either by auto confirmed or will need finance approval. If it is approved you will be able to provide the link to your vehicle file.

Your vehicle is now in development, we ask that you are patient while your vehicle goes through the development process. There are a few things to note while your vehicle is in development. 

  • Watch for a DM from Vista about status updates and changes to your vehicles status. 
  • Add-ons can only be worked after development has been completed. 
  • Trust can only be set after development has been completed and your vehicle has been transferred into the server.